Dr Laura Not Much Different from Other Media Personalities

Wednesday, Dr. Laura Schlessinger decided to resign from her radio show at the end of the year because of controversy surrounding her use of derogatory language, just as others before her were fired or forced to resign.When a caller to The Dr. Laura Show asked about how to deal with social situations given the fact that she's black and her husband is white, Schlessinger went on a rant about why black people should not be offended by
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the N-word. She pointed out the double standard of why black people are allowed to freely use the phrase, while whites most likely would be crucified for using it, as has ironically happened in this circumstance."I think [the N-word] is a word that should disappear completely from our language," said the editor of a Houston Area newspaper, who asked not to be named. "I can't imagine using language that degrades human beings."Other media types have been fired for the use of derogatory comments, such as long-time radio host Don Imus after his comments directed toward the Rutgers women's basketball team in 2007."If I ever said it, I'd expect to be fired," said the editor. "When someone says it, there's usually something else [lying below the surface that is] there."Some feel the word has lost some of it's ability to offend, and that some even within the black community have taken a less traditional view. "There's no meaning behind it anymore" said Eric LeCour, an African American student from Buffalo, New York. "Most people that take offense to the word don't even know what it's about."On the other hand, the editor who feels the word should disappear thinks that there's a good reason no one should use it in any circumstance."There's some words—they don't make good jokes, they don't make good art, they don't make good anything," the editor said.Based on the fact she did not use it in a way where her intent was to use it directly, LeCour was supportive of the idea that Dr. Laura should not have to face any discipline."She shouldn't have been forced to resign because she was just making a point," LeCour said. "You can tell the tone in somebody's voice when they're using it in a derogatory manner."