Twin Hicks Presents Their First Book.. "Noah's Ark"

Written by Robert Richardson - Illustrated by Alan & Aaron Hicks
Twin Hicks "Noah's Ark", is a unique prospective of the traditional story. It captures the unwavering message of God's mercy and grace for humanity and Noah's uncompromising faith.

Although the world had become increasingly wicked, Noah found favor in the sight of God, and God spared him and his family from the great flood. We learn a valuable lesson from Noah and his family, and how they prepared for the signs of the time... They lived in a very corrupt day; however they put their trust and faith into God.

The illustrations in the book are absolutely phenomenal with each page coming to life as the story unfolds. The animals, the ark, the people, and the flood are depicted to the smallest detail, with such vibrant and beautiful colors.

To learn more about this phenomenal illustration book. click here.