Museum celebrates Black History Month

by: Greater lafayette

LAFAYETTE, Ind. (WLFI) - With Black History Month just around the corner, two organizations are coming together to help the community celebrate.

The Art Museum of Great Lafayette and Purdue University's Black Cultural Center are collaborating to showcase African American artists.

Two of the featured artists are Preston Jackson and Joyce Owners, who are both from Chicago.

"Some incredible artists who work in a variety of medium. You see paintings and sculptures. The narrative of the African American experience is represented here," said Purdue University Black Cultural Center Director Renee Thomas.

"When you come into this exhibition, no matter what color your skin is or what your background is, you're going to get a feel for a culture that you probably wouldn't find anywhere here because the way these artists interpret," said Art Museum of Greater Lafayette Executive Director Kendall Smith.

The Art Museum will host an opening reception Friday, January 21st from six to eight pm. The Museum is located at 101 South 9th Street in Lafayette.

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