Jon Calvert visual artist

As an artist Jon suggest that black art is expressive in conversation, and has a position in creativity that is personally educational and observative. It's color and content is a presentation of awareness of life and topics of knowledge. His paintings represent the facets of black american lives.A native St.Louisian Jon has illustrated a veiw of lifestyles through works that express ways of seeing cultures in creative ways. His theme,"Every Day Lifestyles," is an on going look at a generation admirably. Calvert tends not to the tedious detail, but to the illusion that we are a part of what is going on in the painting , making you ask, "Was I There?" Each painting is merely random images of everyday life in St. Louis, but each 'snapshot' makes us question what is the importance of preserving the common place moment verses documenting the spectaculor.My works portray the visuals of city lifestyles in the aspects of communications through art. The characters I like to paint conversate about the realizms of the "Ghetto Experience."