Fine art by, Stacy Brown...

Artist Stacey Brown, currently residing in Atlanta, Georgia offers an eclectic collection of original paintings for the contemporary art lover. Born and reared in Murfreesboro, North Carolina, his artistic journey of discovery began with aspirations for a career in graphic design. After graduating from the Art Institute of Atlanta, he embarked on a successful ten year career in his chosen field, but something was "missing" in his life.

That something "missing" drew him to his paint brush, and he decided to pursue his true love, fine art. His passion for the arts has led him to a successful career as a full-time artist, expressing himself through acrylic paintings on glass, and watercolor on paper. He remains visually aware of his surroundings by incorporating colors that correspond with current contemporary trends, as well as remaining in tune with his roots with traditional landscapes, and urban neighborhood scenes that exude keen observations of everyday life.

Stacey's paintings have graced the walls of the mansion on the hit reality show BET College Hill, the Atlanta Street of Dreams Home Tour, and the 2008 Tom Joyner Fantastic Cruise. Just recently, he was commissioned by Verizon Wireless to create an original painting entitled, "Crowns of Praise" for the How Sweet the Sound 11 city national gospel tour. His painting will represent ed the Atlanta market. Discriminating art lovers throughout the country and abroad collect his eclectic and contemporary creations, which has led him to emerge as a visionary artistic talent for the 21st century.