CrabCakeStore.com is a privately owned company which is a division of S & C Distributors LLC. It’s a quality-driven, customer friendly seafood distribution company that is located in Pennsylvania. Our company was founded on good family values and morals. This guarantees providing to our customers the great quality, taste, service and price that is due to them in today’s economy.
I personally was disgusted with visiting restaurants, spending high prices for crab cakes filled with everything other than REAL CRABMEAT! My dissatisfaction led me to the production of the real-deal, no frills and no artificial fillings. My customers appreciate our company’s refusal to lower the standards of using authentic crabmeat in our products. The taste is mouth-watering, succulent and most importantly… it’s genuine!
Let’s not waste anymore time in telling you about our seafood. It’s time to taste and see for yourself! The proof is in the taste. You can order now!
Thank you for ordering with us!
Shawn Bell, Ownerread more >>>>>>>>>>>