Was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. African-American history, culture, urban life, feminism and religion are frequent themes expressed in her artworks. Tanya studied painting and drawing in an intensive magnet high school program for the arts. She went on to Temple University, Tyler School of Art in Pennsylvania where she immersed herself in photography. She received her BFA, degree from Tyler in 1988 and continued to pursue painting at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. Dodd's art career has spanned more than twenty years and her photography remains at the root of all of her creativity.
She utilizes film, alternative processes, multiple format cameras and digital technologies to her advantage. Most notably she enjoys using her hand-made 4x5-inch pinhole box camera to "capture the simple pleasures of photography". She is committed to raising the appreciation and education of the fine arts with a special affinity for fine art photography. Her photography and mixed media which incorporates collage, paint and photography is nationally represented by the NCA Gallery in Detroit, MI and the Panopticon Gallery of Photography in Boston, MA.
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