Save the date for the, "15th Annual Baltimore County African American Cultural Festival" on Saturday, September 17th from 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. at Towson Courts Patriot Plaza, 400 Washington Avenue in Towson.
Entertainment will feature: Anthony David, Art Sherrod, Trina Broussard, Noel Gourdin, Marcus Johnson and April Sampe.Participants interested in the Idol Competition must complete the application and submit an entry fee of $20 by September 9, 2011.There will also be Free Health & Wellness Screening, Historical Exhibits, Free Financial Workshops, Children's Champion Zone, Line Dancing, Arts & Crafts, Food Vendors, Free Historical Bus Tour, Stepping, Zumba Classes, Fashion Show, Milford Mill High School Concert Chorale, Gospel Music, Informational Booths and more.Proceeds will benefit the Baltimore County African American Cultural Festival's Scholarship Fund.Free ParkingFor more information festival and Idol contest, visit www.aaculturalfestival.com or call 410 645-0765.
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